How To Do Dirt Bike Wheelies

Trying to pull of a wheelie on your dirt bike is not only fun and looks awesome, but can easily get you through and over some difficult situation on the trail or on the track. If you’re on the trail, you will need to be able to pop the front wheel up

to get over logs or trees, cross streams, mud holes, and skip over ruts or uneven terrain.

Most people believe it is a lot easier to pull a wheelie on a four-stroke motorcycle than a two-stroke. The power is far more predictable and a heck of a lot smoother.

These are some tips that will help you out – and hopefully will prevent you from flipping your bike and looking stupid in front of your mates!

Grip the dirt bike firmly with your legs and sit in a central position. Keep one finger on the clutch and your foot over the rear brake. If you feel like you’re going to flip your bike, or tip over backwards, give the rear brake a light tap to bring the bike back down.

If possible, try to choose a higher gear like 3rd or 4th if you are trying to do long wheelies. Using lower gears often prove more difficult to keep steady. To lift the wheel up, be in mid-range revs, then apply a quick burst on the accelerator. If needed, pull back lightly on the handlebars at the same time. Once you get good at this, try it standing up.

Most importantly, keep practicing! The only way to become good at doing dirt bike wheelies is practicing. Try to start off by just lifting the front wheel for a second. Then learn how to hold it up for longer. After a fair bit (or a lot) of practice you’ll find you can change through the gears as you go and hold the wheelie for as long as you like. There???s a balancing point where the bike feels weightless, and this is where you want to be???